Ratio of 1:5 Water Safety to Nippers
Parents can complete the Surf Rescue Certificate to qualify as Water Safety Personnel
Ratio of 1:10 Officials to Nippers at Carnivals
This is a great opportunity for you to be a part of our competition team
Variety of equipment provided for our nippers to utilise
It can be expensive to maintain and even more expensive to replace
Fundraising is an easy way to increase our budget, while working together as a team to achieve common goal
The Sunday Nipper BBQ is a weekly fundraising opportunity for all nippers, and parents will be expected to assist on the weeks designated to their age group
Nippers is essentially run by parents, so it is important we all play our part in making Nippers a success
We welcome any parents who wish to become involved in the management side of our operations to register an interest with their age manager or speak with any member of our current committee
If you are interested in the Water Safety Course or Officials Course please email nipperadmin@kurrawasurf.com.au